
Monday 20 September 2021

Garden butterflies

Spending more time working from home does have it's perks. One such perk is that I can keep an eye on the comings and goings of butterflies in the garden during the summer.

Several years ago now I watched in utter amazement as a female Purple Emperor cruised over the garden. Such an amazing encounter, I thought could never be matched. Fast forward to Wednesday 21st July - a hot day and so I thought I'd work my way through my work e-mails first thing out on a bench out in the garden. I happen to glance up at the globe thistles on the far side of the garden and there sat on top of one was something orangey. To my astonishment it was a really fresh Dark Green Fritillary!! The nearest camera to hand was my SLR with 100-400 lens, with which I rattled off a couple of photos and then ran inside for my macro. Unfortunately, on my return it had vanished into thin air and failed to reappear. But I had a photo to at least look back on.

To put this sighting into perspective, I have seen two DGFs in my 10 years living in the Brackley area, both some miles away near Croughton. I'm sure there is a colony, or even multiple colonies lurking around somewhere but for one to turn up in the middle of Brackley is bonkers - and for it to be in my garden, well I'm very grateful indeed! Butterfly species number 22 for the garden.

Other garden scarcities have included a couple of Common Blue and a brief Essex Skipper. Both only the 3rd and 2nd occurrences here.

All the way through the summer, there's been a wide variety of species - a nice reward for planting out the garden with loads of nectar-rich plants. The verbena, Buddleia and Globe Thistles being the most popular.

Sunday 12 September 2021

Bucknell butterflies

Tried several times to get my annual fix of local Purple Emperors in Bucknell Wood this year - but despite visiting three times in suitable weather, the 'proper views' eluded me and so I had to be content with flight views. But not to worry, it happens!

They were late this year in comparison to reason years, (along with plenty of other butterfly species). They eventually appeared a good 10 days into July, as apposed to the last couple of weeks of June.

Bucknell offers plenty more than just the Emperors though and I was treated to pretty much all the other expected specialties. Prolonged, close-up views of a couple of White-Letter Hairstreaks a particular highlight.

At day at Frampton

A very decent day out at the 'wader capital' of Frampton Marsh in Lincolnshire with Gareth, back on Saturday 10/07. Wader passage was under way, but some way from it's peak - still plenty to see though and an enjoyable, welcome change from the birding back home.

Best were a single Wood Sand, constantly hammered by one of the local Avocets, lots of Knot & Barwit, 3 Spotted Redshank, several Spoonbill, 10 Green SandCuckoo, Corn Bunting and plenty of other waders around the reserve.