
Sunday 18 March 2012

Some more decent local sightings

Went for my usual walk upto the sheep field just north of Syresham between 10am and 12pm today. Turned out to be a decent morning for sightings with first of all a Tree Sparrow singing away in a tree in the north east corner of the sheep field. Was good to see 2 Crossbills were still around. They were in hedgerow trees opposite the conifer belt at SP 630 427. They both showed really well, pecking at the bark or just sitting there 'chipping' away for a good 10 minutes. Around 10 Siskins flew over low heading North around the same time. A Chiffchaff was also nearby in bushes calling loudly along with a couple of Goldcrests. The Golden Plover flock from the previous week had swelled a tad to around 100. I picked them up on call and then watched them circle round and round for a bit. As I walked back home, 3 more Siskins flew over heading east.

Later on, having returned from shopping at Tesco's in Brackley, I was greeted by a lovely Tree Sparrow in the small hedge behind out house, singing away happily right next to me. It was associating with the local House Sparrows and was a bit of an unexpected sighting to be honest!

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