
Saturday 29 December 2012

Local Ravens

Had a look around the Trafford Bridge/Edgcote area (in the south of the county) yesterday. Nothing too much of note other than a handful of Siskins and these 2 Ravens flying around in the wind:

Sunday 9 December 2012

More Waxwings but another Penduline dip

Yesterday afternoon (08/12) I spent a couple of chilly afternoon hours at Boddington Resevoir. Not too much of note other than 10 very showy Goosander, a smart drake Pintail and several Tree Sparrow. I also stayed for the Gull roost which consisted of several thousand Black Headed Gulls but little else. In the end though, the cold got the better of me!


Today, I decided to head to Ouse Fen in Cambridgeshire to look for the two Penduline Tits that had been seen on and off over the last week or so. First up I headed to Kettering to catch up with the fifty or so Waxwing that were present in Sainsbury's car park yesterday. On arrival there 5 or so birds present. I managed to rattle off a few shots, although after 15 minutes or so, the birds departed.


Ouse Fen was a rather drafty place to say the least! This wasn't helpful at all and it was no suprise that after around 2 hours searching and scanning reeds along with many other birders, I drew a bland together with Dave who joined me there. The only things of note were 1 or 2 Marsh Harrier and Little Egret. After that I'd had enough for the day and headed home.

Sunday 2 December 2012

South West Northants

Dave and I headed out today around the SW of Northants. Target was a ringtail Hen Harrier seen yesterday around fields near to Weedon Lois. Sadly, despite have a good search first thing and again mid-late afternoon, there was no sign. We also paid a visit to Fawsley Park, finding nothing more exciting than a flyover Redpoll sp, several Siskins and a Grey Wagtail. We then went to Boddington Resevoir where there were 9 Goosander and a drake Goldeneye. Below are a selection of photos from the day.