
Saturday 29 December 2012

Local Ravens

Had a look around the Trafford Bridge/Edgcote area (in the south of the county) yesterday. Nothing too much of note other than a handful of Siskins and these 2 Ravens flying around in the wind:

Sunday 9 December 2012

More Waxwings but another Penduline dip

Yesterday afternoon (08/12) I spent a couple of chilly afternoon hours at Boddington Resevoir. Not too much of note other than 10 very showy Goosander, a smart drake Pintail and several Tree Sparrow. I also stayed for the Gull roost which consisted of several thousand Black Headed Gulls but little else. In the end though, the cold got the better of me!


Today, I decided to head to Ouse Fen in Cambridgeshire to look for the two Penduline Tits that had been seen on and off over the last week or so. First up I headed to Kettering to catch up with the fifty or so Waxwing that were present in Sainsbury's car park yesterday. On arrival there 5 or so birds present. I managed to rattle off a few shots, although after 15 minutes or so, the birds departed.


Ouse Fen was a rather drafty place to say the least! This wasn't helpful at all and it was no suprise that after around 2 hours searching and scanning reeds along with many other birders, I drew a bland together with Dave who joined me there. The only things of note were 1 or 2 Marsh Harrier and Little Egret. After that I'd had enough for the day and headed home.

Sunday 2 December 2012

South West Northants

Dave and I headed out today around the SW of Northants. Target was a ringtail Hen Harrier seen yesterday around fields near to Weedon Lois. Sadly, despite have a good search first thing and again mid-late afternoon, there was no sign. We also paid a visit to Fawsley Park, finding nothing more exciting than a flyover Redpoll sp, several Siskins and a Grey Wagtail. We then went to Boddington Resevoir where there were 9 Goosander and a drake Goldeneye. Below are a selection of photos from the day.

Autumn waders

For much of the early autumn period, the main draw was the continued low water levels and mud of the ERF lagoon at Ardley, near-ish to Bices...