
Monday 17 November 2014

Black Redstart & Boddington

A great surprise back on Monday (10/10) was the presence of a female/1st-winter male Black Redstart at Grimsbury Reservoir. Found late morning and only an hour before I headed down there during my lunch. It was doing a feeding circuit around the water treatment works at the SW edge of the reservoir. Sadly I didn't have the camera with me but enjoyed great views all the same. Everytime I've walked past the place, my head says "there just has to be a Black Redstart there some day," so it was good to see my hunch became reality!

The next day I headed back there again, this time with camera in tow. Thankfully the bird was still present and showed really well again. The light was shite, but actually I ended up with a pretty decent set of shots.

Haven't had the chance to get out too much recently however have been over to Boddington Reservoir a couple of times. Finding stuff there is hard work but it does have some great habitat & is certainly worth persevering with. Last Sunday (09/11) the weather was awesome early on, being perfectly still with bright sun. Best birds were a showy pair of Willow Tit (below), a couple of Lesser Redpoll, a Kingfisher and best of all a late fly-over Rock Pipit calling away, a belated county tick! Wildfowl there are generally rather thin on the ground so a small group consisting of 2 Pochard, 2 Tufties & a male Wigeon was pretty noteworthy.

On (Sunday 16/11) I had a look at the gull roost at Boddington. There were the usual good numbers of Black Headed & Common with smaller numbers of Lesser Black Backs, c.5 Herring & a very dapper adult Yellow Legged Gull. Very little else about other than a couple of resident Tree Sparrows.

Autumn waders

For much of the early autumn period, the main draw was the continued low water levels and mud of the ERF lagoon at Ardley, near-ish to Bices...