
Monday 28 April 2014

Wall Brown

Had great views of a very fresh Wall Brown in Bishops Tawton (Devon) back on the 19/04...


Had a really close encounter with a Treecreeper in Bishops Tawton (Devon) back on 19/04...

Easter in Devon

Went for a long weekend down in Devon with Em, staying at her Mum's in Bishops Tawton, near Barnstaple (North Devon).
Didn't see anything outrageous but still saw a few decent things including a trip to Dawlish Warren seeing a decent array of waders including numbers of Whimbrel, Sanderling, Turnstone, Grey Plover, Black & Bar Tailed Godwit, as well as a couple of Dark Bellied Brent Geese, a Kittiwake, several Gannets, Sandwich Terns, Shags, several Stonechat and a couple of Wheatear.

Tuesday 15 April 2014

Grimsbury Reservoir

Today (15/04), I had wonderful views of a male Peregrine low over the centre of Banbury while on my way to work. It caused carnage with the local feral Pigeons!
Had a wander around Grimsbury Reservoir in Banbury today (15/04) both during my lunchbreak and after work. Was my first time there and while it isn't the most picturesque of places, it was full of the signs of spring.

There were plenty of butterflies on the wing with Orange Tips, Brimstones, Small Whites, Small Tortoiseshells and Peacocks all present.

Migrants were also very much in evidence with my first 2 Sedge Warblers of 2014 in song, several Yellow Wagtail, at least 4 White Wagtail, several Swallows & Sand Martins and decent numbers of Willow Warbler, Chifchaffs and Blackcaps.

Lastly, as I was about to leave a Common Sandpiper appeared alongside 3 White Wagtail at the southern end feeding around a jetty.

The next day (16/04) again the sun was out and there were again several species of butterfly on the wing as well as a/the Common Sandpiper, a singing Whitethroat, a couple of singing Sedge Warbler, several Swallows and singles of White & Yellow Wagtails.

Wahoo new camera!

So after a fair old bit of consideration and temptation it was time to buy myself a decent camera for shooting wildlife. For the past couple of years of got by with the combination of either a 'point & shoot' lumix digital camera and iphone scoping. Both have produced some brilliant results, however both have considerable limitations.

I've opted for the Canon SX50 bridge camera and I have to say I'm dead chuffed with my choice! It has a super duper zoom on it which even and the high end of the zoom, retains really good picture quality. For macro and butterflies too it is excellent. I'm really looking forward to properly trying it out on all the butterflies this year.

Other than a few shots taken in my garden last week, my first proper outing with the new camera was last Saturday (12/04). First was an early morning visit to Borough Hill on the hunt for scarce migrants. It was hard work although my persistence paid off with a frustratingly illusive male Redstart which rather amazingly burst into full song for a good 5 minutes. However the views were unspectacular with 'kit of parts' views peering through a dense hawthorn. 
Also seen was a Tree Pipit heading NW, calling twice, a Yellow Wagtail over low S calling, as well as the traditional sight of 2 male Wheatears in the centre of the hill. 2 Ravens gave a spectacular aerial display and the air was filled with the sound of singing Skylarks and Meadow Pipits

Despite the decent haul, I let there feeling quite disappointed that I hadn't got better views of what I did see, but never mind can't always get it your own way!

I moved on to Boddington Reservoir and did a circuit of both the reservoir and adjacent Byfield Pool. Fairly quiet on what was a pretty dreary, chilly spring day. Best birds were 2-3 Willow Tit (photo below) 1 Sand Martin, 1 House Martin, a flyover Yellow Wagtail and a couple of Swallows.

One Small Tortoiseshell (below) was on show but other than that butterflies were very much keeping their heads down on such a cold day. The flowers though were looking great with a nice spread of Marsh Marigolds along the stream flowing into Byfield Pool (below).

Bucknell Wood was my final visit of the day. Was pretty quiet other than a nice Lesser Redpoll (record shot below), a Raven and 1-2 singing Willow Warbler, although they haven't really properly arrived yet in Bucknell. Bluebells were also beginning to show.

On Sunday Em & I went for Sunday lunch with her gran and her husband in Stonesfield Oxon. While sitting in their garden in the stunning sunshine I took a few shots (below).

Autumn waders

For much of the early autumn period, the main draw was the continued low water levels and mud of the ERF lagoon at Ardley, near-ish to Bices...