
Sunday 22 September 2013

Quiet Northants birding

Last weekend I fancied a real bash at finding my own birds locally. On Saturday I had a look first at Boddington Reservoir, however the site was heavily disturbed with lots of sailing & fishermen. The best I could find were 2 Common Sandpiper & a Grey Wagtail. Next Daventry Reservoir looked good, however despite there being lots of birds about, the only thing of note were 3 more Common Sandpiper. I finished at Borough Hill to look for migrants. There wasn't a great number of birds about however my efforts were rewarded with a nice Whinchat perched up in the centre of the site. The only others birds of note were a couple of calling Siskin over, a single Whitethroat & good numbers of Meadow Pipits heading over.

Sunday, I headed first to Clifford Hill to see if the previous day's juv Curlew Sandpiper was still about. It had though moved on & there was little about with best being a single Golden Plover, 2 Ringed Plover, 4-5 Dunlin, a couple of fly-over Yellow Wagtail, tonnes of House Martins, smaller numbers of Swallows & a couple of Sand Martins.
I finished the day at Summer Leys with best birds being a juvenile Ruff, 2 Ringed Plover & a Wheatear all on the newly re-profiled scrape.

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