
Friday 29 August 2014

Grimsbury patching

Recently, I've been doing quite a bit of patching at Grimsbury Reservoir in the centre of Banbury, both during my lunchbreaks and after work. It seems to have a habit of drawing in passage migrants passing through the area, is a managable size and has a good mix of habitat. Bang on for a little local patch!

I've visited it relatively regularly since early spring picking up a few Wheatear, Common Sand, Peregrine, Yellow & White Wag and large numbers of hirundines.

Recent weeks has seen further decent fare. A juv LRP has been lurking around now for 2-3 weeks, being very approachable at times.

A Dunlin too put in an apprearance for a few days, again showing well alongside a more skitish Common Sand (no pics).

Mid to late August has seen huge numbers of hirundines and Swifts moving through, the hirundines often perching up in groups on the perimeter fence.

Common Terns too have become evident over the past few weeks too with a regular trio of 1 adult and 2 ringed juvs, presumably having bred close by. They were also joined by a further 4 birds earlier in the week.

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