
Tuesday 7 October 2014

Garden vis mig

For the last month or so, I've been trying to make an effort to spend a bit of time in the garden each morning for a bit of vis mig and a mug of coffee!

It has, as it happens been really fun. Highlights have included a juv Hobby over SE on 10/09, a probable Woodcock over also on 10/09, a Cormorant over, 1-2 Chiffchaff lingering virtually all month, several flyover Yellow Wagtail including a late bird on the evening of 29/09 and a flock of 3 Jays over on 09/09.

As well as the Hobby, raptors have been regular with at least 2 regular Sparrowhawks, 1-2 Red Kite and several Buzzards as well as a Kestrel over on 30/09.
Numbers of Meadow Pipit have been impressive, with a high of c.85 over south in an hour and a half on the morning of 28/09. Numbers too of clearly migratory high-flying Pied Wagtail and Chaffinch have been good too.

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