
Friday 24 October 2014

Red Necked Grebe & Great White Egret

It's been a pretty dire year for birds in Northants so when something comes along it's an even more pleasant surprise than usual!

Mid September brought a very smart moulting adult Red Necked Grebe to Daventry Reservoir and I went over on 3 occasions to enjoy it. Only once however did it show in decent light (21/09), however I flipping well forgot I'd left the cameras settings on a rather high ISO. Arggghh!!! Thankfully I got a few retrievable images.

One thing we do rather take for granted are the now annual Great White Egrets with numbers reaching possibly as many as 5 or so during winter months over the past 2 or 3 years. I have though never really had much of an opportunity to photograph one. So, having trawled around the county on Saturday (27/09) and finding sweet FA, I finished up at Summer Leys to see the Great White Egret which had spent some time on the scrape there. 

It duly performed well and I also had the added bonus of a late Garganey and a Pale Tussock Moth caterpillar too.

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