Waders have been thin on the ground up until now, so it was cool to discover a Greenshank at the local Croughton Quarry on 23/05. Not a spectacular find you may think, however all things are relative and in an area greatly lacking in wader habitat, it was certainly pretty notable!
Next, on Thurday 24/05, a visit to the Grimsbury Res patch, on my lunchbreak proved worthwhile, with the discovery of 3 pukka summer plumaged Sanderling, sat along the western shoreline. They hung around for a while, before eventually flying off high north as the sun attempted to break through the cloud.
Friday (25/05) was a day off for me, seeing the Rolling Stones in the evening, in London. This meant a chance to give the patch a real bash for the morning at least.
I started early, about 06:45am I think in much heavier rain than I'd anticipated. Soon after, a Common Sandpiper dropped in, the first for a while. Then, at about 07:05am, 4 smashing adult Black Terns dropped in from the east. They hung around for around 25 minutes or so before heparting high NW. I was pleased to see some as the previous day every single patch of water except Grimsbury seemed to have one!
I decided to pop back home to dry off and get a trusty old McDonald's breakfast. I then returned to the patch for a little while longer with seemingly stuff happening. This yielded a further 2 Black Terns for 20 minutes or so. Other notables included 3 Ringed Plovers heading straight through, 2 brief Common Terns and a Little Ringed Plover.
The actual highlight though was the sheer number of Swifts that has appeared: some 300 or possibly more, filling the sky with their screams, it was one hell of a sight and a very memorable scene. Spectacular in fact!
The rest of the late May Bank Holiday did produce a bit of sun in patches. On the Sunday (27/05) afternoon, there was a nice mix of sun and cloud, so I decided to head up the road to see my first Wood White butterflies of the year at nearby Bucknell Wood. I ended up doing a comprehensive count across as much of the wood as I could. It was flipping tiring but I was rewarded with a count of 101.
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