
Tuesday 30 April 2019

Purple Heron & colourful Barwits

Spent a couple of days in Norfolk with Em at the end of last week, staying with friends Kieran & Leila.

Did a little bit of birding, wandering up through Burnham Overy dunes, up to Gun Hill on Thursday 25/04. A Spoonbill was happily feeding away in a nearby pool, there were a handful of Wheatear, a few Pink-Footed & Brent Geese still about and a Med Gull calling loudly overhead.

The Purple Heron failed to show itself, however when back at the car by the A149, one last scan with the scope picked it up on the edge of a dyke, before it flew fully into the open where it sat in the adjacent short grass field. Pretty cool!

The next day (Friday 26/04), I had a leisurely stroll between East & West Bank at Cley. The best bit of that was the Eye field, next to the beach car park. A confiding flock of waders were feeding here consisting of 29 Barwits (some in striking brick red plumage), 5-6 Whimbrel, 5+ male Ruff and nearby c5 summer-plumaged Golden Plover.

Mixed in with all that were also 10+ Wheatear and a pair of Grey Partridge. Pretty darn good mix of stuff!

Kieran also took me out around his local coastal patch of Trimmingham and while we missed out on some good birds, it was cool to check somewhere a bit different! We had a single Common Swift low over the cliffs which, being so close looked scarily big, but definitely no white belly! Plenty of warblers were about including several Reed, Sedge, Whitethroats & Lesser Whitethroats, as well as a couple of Common Sands on a nearby farm reservoir. A pair of pristine Early Purple Orchid Spikes were on a nearby roadside verge too.

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