
Sunday 25 October 2020

Patch gulls

Gull numbers at Grimsbury Res are very unpredictable, however as autumn kicks in, we do tend to see a rise in large gull numbers - tying in with local farmers ploughing their fields, post-harvest.

Yellow-Legged Gulls are regular, with multiple birds usually about amongst the hoardes of Lesser Black-backs. Caspian Gulls however have been notable by their absence, with just one previous bird and a handful of hybrid-types from continental mixed colonies.

So, it was a grand to come across a striking 2cy Caspian which hung around for an hour or so on the evening of 25/09.

Great-Black Backed Gulls are also pretty scarce on the patch, being just about annual at best. Another look for the Caspian Gull from a couple of days previously on 27/09, instead unearthed this beast of a 1st winter Great Black-back. Another notable patch gull!

That same day I also caught that familiar 'seeeep!' overhead, as my first four Redwings of the autumn, zoomed over Grimbo N/NW (2 of them below). It's now official, autumn is here!

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