
Thursday 9 December 2021

A county 'first'

The first named storm of the autumn, Arwen, hit our shores on Saturday 27/11 and delivered a local and county mega.

A female Common Scoter, followed by a 'Brent Goose', were both reported from Boddington Res and so after the snow had subsided, I had a hour or two spare during the afternoon to have a look at what are both good birds for the area.

On arrival I was pleased to see birding friend Dylan Parry-Davies who had earlier found the Scoter. He pointed out the Brent Goose and Common Scoter, pleasingly swimming together on what water there was - the site has been considerably drained, in order for some heavy works to be carried out.

I was super surprised to see the Brent to be a Pale-Bellied - a very scarce bird inland. Pinging the news out to Northants birders, it was soon clear that this was the first ever occurrence of Pale-Bellied Brent in Northants! So a super find by Jon Bowley. It was in fact one of several dotted around inland counties over the course of the weekend.

So what else has been going on in November?

Other than gulls (which I will post about in more detail very soon), I haven't seen a huge amount, although I haven't been out a great deal either! I have though seen a couple of nice bits and pieces.

On 03/11 I had a prolonged walk around Hinton Airfield and again enjoyed views of a Merlin - but a new bird, this time a female, allowing great views as it cruised past me, again sussing out the local Skylarks. A surprise lone Tree Sparrow hanging around with some Linnets and at least 2 Brambling made for a good visit!

Other than than, the first week of November also finally saw a decent arrival of Fieldfares. A Crossbill was a nice surprise during a shortish vis mig session from the garden on 08/11. The odd visit to Grimsbury Res didn't yield too much, however a group of 3 Raven on 03/11 was good - not a frequent bird at the soap dish! Finally an afternoon walk at Stowe Landscape Gardens near Buckingham, also on 03/11, produced a female Tufted Duck with a French nasal saddle, which interestingly turned up at Draycote Water later on in the month!

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