
Tuesday 8 September 2020

A memorable encounter

Sunday 05/07 was a blustery old day, but as the sun was out, Em & I decided to take a late morning walk in Bucknell Wood.

I wasn't expecting to see a great deal, however it proved to be an inspired decision to go, as I was treated to amazing and very rare, close-up views (for Bucknell at least) of several immaculate, fresh White-Letter Hairstreaks down on creeping thistles. 

They are a tricky species to see in Bucknell as the fact is, there aren't a great deal of them in there! The classic views are either around the tree-tops or, when you are lucky enough to see one come down, it'll be right in the middle of a large bramble patch.

I felt sorry for Em and she was keen for a walk and there was me holding things up somewhat, snapping away with the camera! But it was a once in a blue moon encounter and one I just couldn't pass up, having hoped every summer to see them this well.

There were a minimum of 5 in total including an amazing FOUR on one plant briefly! I questioned in my mind why today were they showing so well, as it certainly wasn't the norm. I wondered whether the strong winds were a factor in drawing them down, avoiding being thrown about in the treetops?

They were also joined by a very fresh Purple Hairstreak too - another infrequent visit from the treetops...

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