
Monday 16 April 2012

Great White Stunner

Early in the week a Great White Egret had been knocking around Summer Leys/Earls Barton GP complex. Wednesday (11.04.12) I managed to get over there after work in the hope of seeing it. I thought I'd try Summer Leys first before heading to the western end of the complex where it had also been seen. I managed to find my first Common Tern of the year on the bund opposite the main hide. From the feeding station a (or the) Ruff was knocking around on spit opposite the feeding station. I then got a call from Dave saying the Egret was showing at the Western end so I bombed it round to there through Grendon and parked up by Earls Barton pocket park.
From there it was a 10 ish minute stroll alongside the river. I came across Dave. he said it had flown out of sight which I have to say got me a little concerned! A short way along on the right handside was 'Mill Lake'. After a fair old bit of scanning the beast finally revealed itself in reeds on the far side of the lake. This was my first Great White Egret for Earls Barton GPs so I was pretty dam chuffed! We watched it for around 40 minutes as it had a bit of a feed before giving us a bit of a flypast, I'd forgotten how big they look in flight. Once I'd got my fill, it was time to head home for dinner feeling very satisfied!

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