
Sunday 30 June 2013


Sunday 02/06 was a really early start with the plan of finally seeing a Savi's Warbler, with my Mum in tow for the day. We arrived just before 7am and headed straight for the area the Savi's had been singing. On the way, we enjoyed plenty of other warblers in song, including a very showy Grasshopper Warbler reeling it's head off.

The Savi's frustratingly failed to show, despite showing well earlier on apparently. All we got was about 2 seconds-worth of song at around 08:40am. Despite the fact it was very mild and sunny, I guess it was just too windy for it, with a stiff breeze present all day.

The reserve was alive with wildlife, with the intermittent booming of Bitterns, several Marsh Harriers, the constant buzz of Reed Warblers, several Cuckoo and at least 10 Hobby cruising around.

On the walk back to the car a Cuckoo flashed across the path and into the reeds. Soon after, it came out and landed in a tree close by. We soon realised it had a bird's egg in it's bill. It appears this was a Reed Warblers with it presumably having replaced it with it's own. Nature at its most brutal! I franticly set up my scope and while I got a decent shot of the Cuckoo, I failed to get one with the egg in it's bill.


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