
Monday 30 January 2017

What a wash out!

I tried my best to get out and do some birding during the weekend of 14/01/ & 15/01, however the weather was appalling, with persistent rain for the most part!

I was out and about for the whole of Saturday morning and did a mini tour of several sites. I started with Croughton Quarry close to Brackley, which hosted a couple of decent birds for the site in the form of a lone Wigeon & a Little Grebe.

I then took a short 15 minute drive, just into Oxfordshire to Caulcott, near Middleton Stoney. Here I was meeting up with Gareth to see the 3 Cattle Egrets that had taken up residence in a big mucky field full of pigs! Before I did, I popped up the road to a site for Corn Bunting. I arrived in the targeted area and had a good scan...but nothing. Then just as I was thinking of moving on, there was that familar jangle of a singing Corn Bunting. It showed pretty well, sat in the roadside field singing away before being joined by another. They then both flew off across the field. Lovely stuff! On then to the Egrets.

I joined up with Gareth and we began trudging off down a muddy track to the field. It then began raining which was far from ideal, particularly as it wasn't forecast! We spent a good hour enjoying all three Cattle Egrets. One in particular showed pretty close, following every move of a nearby pig, as it churned up some lovely mucky treats for the Egret.

I quick hop down the M40 to Banbury got me a good patch yeartick, with a pair of Wigeon present at Grimsbury Res, together with a male Gadwall. A quick check of the big gulls nearby, in fields W of Chacombe proved fruitful, with a lovely 1w Caspian Gull present. I'd then had enough of the rain so headed home.

The next day was even worse and torrential. I ventured over to Boddington Res for a quick walk about, though again the weather eventually took it's toll! Birds present included a Jack Snipe, a Little Egret, 9 Goosander, 2 Shoveler, 6 Teal & 9+ Wigeon...a decent array of ducks for Bodd!  

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