
Wednesday 8 February 2017

Little...or no Bunting

A surprise Little Bunting was discovered on farmland close to Over Norton near to Chipping Norton, on Sunday 22/01. Having seen it being reported all week, myself, Gareth & Dan earmarked the morning of Saturday 28/01 to hopefully see it.

Before meeting up, I paid my usual respects to the gull gathering just west of Chacombe. Plenty of birds about, but only managed to pick out a 1w Yellow-Legged Gull, before a big female Peregrine piled through, after Woodpigeons and Stock Doves. Needless to say the gulls didn't hang around!

Onward then to the bunting. We parked up in Over Norton and took the muddy footpath & track to the bird-friendly farmland site.

On arrival, we were told it had been seen that morning, but only once. So we might be in for a bit of a wait! The spot was in fact by the side of a public footpath and was part of a mini project by the farmer to attract birds to the scattered seeds and feeders. Over the course of a good couple of hours, there were plenty of Yellowhammers, Reed Buntings and Chaffinches, as well as several Brambling, including a very smart male. 16 Golden Plover headed over and a couple of Raven could be seen cruising about and displaying too. However, our little eastern friend failed to show. But...that's just the way it can go sometimes.

With a bit of time still spare, we decided to take the 20 minute drive on to Stow-on-the-Wold for a look at the Blue Rock Thrush, as Gareth as he had yet to catch up with it! It would also be a decent consolation for the group dip! For both Dan & I, it would be our second look. In fact old 'twitchy toes' Dan was one of the first load of people to see it on the day news first came out!

It took a bit of finding but eventually, we had some really lovely views, even enjoying a little bit of brief sun too! It was then home time and some food!

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