
Friday 25 August 2017

Day in North Norfolk

On Saturday (19/08), Em and I decided to have a day out to North Norfolk, as well to meet up with friends Kieran & Leila and their cute little daughter Nahla.

After a torturous drive, discovering that the Oundle to Peterborough was closed for roadworks, we eventually make it to the North Norfolk coast. We had a wander around Wells for a bit and then drove further E along the coast, pausing at Stiffkey Flood which is looking fab for waders at the moment. Birds here included 41 Black-Tailed Godwit, 5-6 Greenshank and a Green Sand.

A walk around Cley was followed up with a great catch-up over lunch at the Dun Cow, Salthouse with Kieran & Leila. Kieran and I had a bit of a look for the Glossy Ibis close to Salthouse duck pond. Somehow, we failed to connect with the bloody thing but as a small consolation, we had fabulous views of a juvenile Yellow-Legged Gull feeding around the duck pond.

After spending a bit more time with them with headed off back along the coast. Before we left Norfolk, we decided to go for a big evening walk up to the beach at Titchwell.

The light was stunning and the freshmarsh had plenty of waders to enjoy including particularly good numbers of Black-Tailed Godwit, Ruff & Dunlin.

Highlights were 3 Spoonbill (unsurprisingly asleep most of the time we were there!), at least 20 Med Gulls, a decent flock of Barwits, a Yellow Wagtail, and a couple of Sandwich Terns.

On then to the beach, where it was pretty breezy but stunning, as the sun became lower and lower in the sky. We spent a while here, enjoying quite a few Sanderling putting on a great show, coming quite close if you stood still and were patient.

There were several moulting Barwits strutting around, together with a few approachable Turnstones. A couple of Little Terns flew past too and a juvenile Med Gull put in a brief appearance.

It began to get quite chilly and so we slowly made our way back to the car and hit the road home. A wicked day out!

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Autumn waders

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