
Thursday 10 December 2020


It was long overdue that I had a change in scenery when it came to my birding, having kept things very close to home for weeks on end!

So on Saturday 05/12, I headed over to Farmoor, on what was a bright, pleasant afternoon. Knowing there were a few decent things about and also that it's generally a good site for photos, it was well worth a look.

I took a walk all the way around F2 and eventually picked out the juvenile Great Northern Diver that had been in situ for a while now. It was flipping mobile, under water for long periods before popping up a long, long way from where it went under - it was hard to keep up with! But eventually it stuck to one area for a while and allowed some nice views.

I made my way to the W side of F1 to look for the 3 Scaup that had been about. The Scaup unfortunately kept their distance (two of them below), despite the majority of the flock being super close. 

I did though get some great views of the Aythya hybrid close in - a smart bird with a resemblance to a drake Lesser Scaup.

The light, as the sun dipped was fantastic and made for an impressive sight and a stunning sunset as I made my way back to the car.

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