
Saturday 31 July 2021

Butts and pieces

After a dreadful run of wet weather throughout much of May, conditions eventually improved and the butterfly season could commence!

I visited the small Grizzled Skipper colony near Croughton and was able to enjoy at least 2-3 at any one time. Very happy with the photos I got of them this year, best yet. Lovely, settled views of an Orange Tip too.

Elsewhere locally, the odd Brown Argus and Holly Blue, while Small Heaths seem to continue to go from strength to strength around here.

The garden moth trap came up trumps with my first ever Eyed Hawkmoth - a species I was keen to see, so chuffed with that one! Also had the pleasure of several Elephant and a couple of Small Elephant Hawkmoth, plus one of my favourites, Burnished Brass, among others.

I decided to have a crack at finding Quails and Owls on several evenings in the surrounding countryside through June. Whilst the Quail eluded me, I did nail down some reliable spots for Barn Owl & Little Owl which I was so happy with. I don't think I've seen a Little Owl, full stop for a couple of years, so to get the views I got was bloody marvelous!

I've paid Grimsbury Res in Banbury the odd visit, not seeing a great deal - as is largely typical away from spring and autumn passage. However on 22/05, I had an absolutely insane encounter with a Peregrine which flew in at tree-top height from the south. It was motoring and with it's eyes on the prize, smashed an unsuspecting Swift out of the sky and into the water. After a couple of attempts to pluck it from the surface, it manged to get hold of the now dead Swift and carry it off NE. A real WOW moment!

Other recent pics from close to home...

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Autumn waders

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