
Sunday 16 October 2022

Curley Wurley

I've been keeping fairly regular tabs on Ardley ERF lagoon near Bicester in recent weeks, with the consistent low water levels looking very promising for passage waders.

August had already produced a real local scarcity in the shape of a Spotted Redshank, so hopes were high more interest, during what has been thus far, a good autumn for passage waders nationally.

On 06/09, a quick look on the way back from work delivered the goods. A quick scan revealed nothing massively new, however walking further down the path and another scan later and there, amongst a handful of Green Sands was a crisp, juvenile Curlew Sandpiper. Really nice for the regular effort to pay off!  

Other than that, during September the site has produced regular double-figure counts of Green Sands, up to 2 RuffRinged Plover, Dunlin and a number of Common Sand and Snipe. Away from the waders, best has been a juvenile Caspian Gull on the quarry, as well as Stonechat and Peregrine among other things.

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Autumn waders

For much of the early autumn period, the main draw was the continued low water levels and mud of the ERF lagoon at Ardley, near-ish to Bices...