
Sunday 5 February 2012

Chilly Ditchford comes up trumps again

Had yesterday morning to have a wander round Ditchford yet again. Was planning a raid on the female Scaup that had been on Wilson's Pit for a couple of weeks, though I had my doubts as to how much water would be ice-free with Em's text from around 6am reading that her car was saying -13 on its temperature gauge!! 
I arrived around 10am in lovely sunshine with next to no wind, however it was as predicted, pretty bloody cold and low and behold all three pits there were virtually completely frozen over.
A couple of a very vocal Kingfishers flew past, a Snipe was flushed by a dog walker, a Marsh Tit showed briefly and several Bullfinches were knocking around but other than that, there was sweet f*** all to get excited about! The first lake had a small bit of water available though all there was to see were a few Teal, Gadwall, Shoveler and Mallard, but sadly attempt 2 for the Scaup again drew a blank....boooo!

Top to Bottom: Wilson's Pit (Ditchford GPs), Mallard on the ice,
Grey Heron and Mute Swans. 04.02.12

Having already driven past the Ditchford Lane exit of the A45 to get to Wilson's, I noticed there were bloody tonnes of Gulls on the ice of the watersports pit so this had to be next on the hitlist.
I parked up and thought I'd try the fishing lake first as this tactic has served me well in the past.
There were at least 3 Red Kites showing stupidly well over the fields to the right of the lake and were spooking the Gulls a tad, as was a nearby Buzzard. Would you believe it, no more than 5 seconds of scanning through the Gulls on the ice there and there was a stunning looking 2nd-winter Iceland Gull standing out like a sore thumb! I watched that for a bit, watching a Herring Gull taking a real dislike to it, chasing it round the lake, though I didn't mind as it gave me a chance to have a real good look at it in flight. Rattled off a few cheeky shots, dicing with frostbite in the process:

2nd-winter Iceland Gull Ditchford GPs 04.02.12

After that top start, the Watersports pit had to be the next destination. It was still groaning with Gulls. I approached a lone birder watching the pit to find it was Dave James frozen to the spot, a birding mate of mine.
We scanned the pit several times but unbelievably we couldn't find anything of note. Finally though Dave found a 2nd-winter Iceland Gull having a bath on the ice-free water at the back of the pit. The same one from the fishing lake or another, very hard to tell tbh! I then picked up a handsome drake Smew associating with a flock of 7 Goldeneye not far from the Iceland. After a while we went down to Viaduct pit and the pit the other side of the railway, though nothing new.

Red Kite cruising past the Gull paradise that is the Watersports Pit. 04.02.12

So we had one last scan of the Watersports pit. Not long after, Dave picked up first one then not long after two 2nd-winter Glaucous Gulls at the back of the pit. Happy days! Both showed really nicely and soon we re-found the Iceland Gull again preening on the ice.
A wader then flew over heading east. I quickly managed to get it in the scope to find it was a Black Tailed Godwit of all things! Not quite sure what he was doing loafing round here but there we go. It slowly circled round and landed by the pit slightly out of view. Again managed a few average shots with the iphone. probably would have taken better ones and more of them, though it meant battling through the pain barrier with taking your hands out of your gloves for more than 30 seconds and your hands were in agony!! Dave did make a very valid point, we wouldn't see these white wingers in the heat!

Top to Bottom: 2nd-winter Glaucous Gull (first and second), 2nd-winter Iceland Gull and view of one of the frozen pits

After all that it was home time and time to defrost!

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Autumn waders

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