
Sunday 19 February 2012

Syresham & Summer Leys

Yesterday (Saturday 18th Feb) went for a walk down to 'Crossbill plantation' with Em in pretty hardcore blustery conditions. Walking in between the two plantations 2 Crossbills flew from the second plantation to the first, calling too. Nice to see some are still knocking around and did flippin' well to see them in the conditions. Apart from that there was very little about.

Today the weather was lovely so ambled out at 8am on the usual route to the plantation. Opposite the gate to the sheep field is another plantation and thought I'd investigate. It actually surrounds a big pond, much to my suprise. While I was there 2-3 Siskins flew around overhead and then 2 big Ravens flew low over calling loudly heading west. Was a wicked view of them too.
There were no Crossbills today and all in all not much about other than 1 Jay, 1 Buzzard as well as 1-2 Ravens knocking around, very possibly involving the two from earlier. Got to say the whole area looks promising for pulling in some migrants come spring, especially the big sheep field...bring it on!

After that it was off to Summer Leys as I hadn't been there for a fair old while. I parked up by the first gate on the left down the lane. On getting out of the car I was greeted by a singing male Corn Bunting and it wasn't long before it showed itself in the hedge. Was good to see it (or another) was still knocking around, plus it was a very decent year tick and a dam rare sight nowadays in the county.
I then walked down to Chestnut corner. From there, viewable were 2 Pintail (male & female) on Eddie's Island, 1 Golden Plover on the grass by the screen hide.

From there I went round to the Screen hide. Right in front, no more than 20 feet away was the Golden Plover again. Being so close and all on its own it looks like it might not have been too well.

Around 30 Greylags flew in and amongst them was a sneaky little Barnacle Goose. Result! Although it's origin would obviously be v suspect, it was all the same another reserve tick.

There wasn't too much else around other than 2 Shelducks on Gull Island and the rare site of a Tree Sparrow at the Feeding Station. Also the Feeding Station hide was closed due to vandalism....typical. After that it was home time

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