
Saturday 13 April 2013

Finally a hint of Spring

The evening of Thursday (11/04) I headed to Summer Leys. The only birds of note were my first Swallows of the year, with around 5 through. The next day (12/04) again, I headed to Summer Leys after work to catch up with 2 Black Necked Grebes that had been on show all day. They showed well but fairly distantly from the feeding station and, for most of the time were asleep. But they were looking stunning in their summer plumage. Despite getting caught in a heavy old rain shower, I still managed to find a female Pintail on the scrape, a couple of Common Tern and a handful of House Martins in addition to several Swallows and Sand Martins too.

Today I headed to a very foogy Borough Hill early doors, in the hope of Ring Ouzel. Despite the early fog, it eventually cleared. Best birds were a very vocal female Brambling, 2 smart male Wheatears and a couple of Swallows, however sadly no Rouzels or Redstarts.

Dave had a male Rouzel first thing at Harrington Airfield so I went there next however it appeared to have moved on with just 2-3 Wheatear present in the general area of the 3rd bunker.

Dave and I went onto Hollowell Reservoir. From the point, highlights were a group of around 10 stunning looking Yellow Wagtails, 2 Jack Snipe and a steady movement of Swallows, Sand Martins and a few House Martins.

In the evening I went down to Clifford Hill in rather wet conditions. Wasn't too much of any great note although the visit did produce a couple of year ticks in the shape of a Common Sand and a LRP. Also there were at least 200 Golden Plover, many of which in their smart black bellied summer plumage.

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