
Tuesday 16 April 2013

Sunny Chat evening

After work today (16/04) I headed down to Clifford Hill GPs in the hope of catching up with the several lingering Redstarts that had appeared over the last couple of days. With as many as five reported this morning, my hopes were high.

It wasn't long before I came across John Philpot & Kirsty watching and photograping a stunning male Redstart and it showed well but briefly in the hedge on the southern perimeter. Another bird, a female further along the hedgerow/fenceline was also very illusive. Further along still, we found a very skulking Whitethroat, as well as a very vocal Chiffchaff and one or two feeding Willow Warblers.

There were several Wheatear along here and the adjacent field too. The maximum I counted was 9, however I think there were probably more.

Before leaving I had great views of what I think was another male Redstart which, at times showed brilliantly well on the fence and bushes.

Before heading for home, I then drove round the corner to the Roxhill development between Clifford Hill GP and Brackmills, a large area currently wasteland. Here I managed to see the beautiful male Whinchat that Mike Alibone found that evening. What seemed rather different was the fact that it was feeding on the ground with 8-9 Wheatear, rather than the classical Whinchat perch pose. On leaving it had though decided a wooden fence was more to his liking!  Also here was another male Redstart in an adjacent hedge, as well as 3 LRPs  too, a cracking little site! I tried to get a photo of the Whinchat but it was just too distant!

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