
Monday 12 June 2023

Down to Devon

We had a very pleasant few days in South Devon (11/04 - 15/04). The weather was a bit up and down, arriving in 50mph winds and driving rain! But, we did get a good bit of sun too!

To break the journey up, we popped into Slimbridge for a couple of hours - my second visit there in a month! Nothing too mad on show, however the usual good views of waders and wildfowl, plus a few Cranes before ethe wind and rain set in! 

Having settled in at our Air BnB in Topsham, I took a short late evening walk to the hide at Bowling Green Marsh. The wind was causing havoc for the large numbers of hirundines, with resorted to hunch up on the grass out on the marsh. A bizarre and interesting sight!

A couple of short evening twitches, firstly produced a dip on 13/04 on the Alpine Swift that had been roosting on a church in Teignmouth. It seems the storm may have sent it back south! However better luck seeing an adult Night Heron at Newton Abbott on 14/04. The views were average - the bird was asleep, deep in willow scrub for the most part - but still very cool to see and my first adult in the UK.

Another visit or two to Bowling Green and the estuary brought very little of note other than a Spoonbill, several Greenshank and common wildfowl / waders. It's rare to see it so quiet, but despite that, I do though always enjoy birding here.

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Autumn waders

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