
Friday 2 June 2023

The beginnings of Spring

It's pretty rare in recent times, for me to actively go birding away from my local area, however the odd good bird does lure me away!

On 04/03, following the appearance of a drake Lesser Scaup showing well off the causeway at Farmoor Reservoir, I couldn't resist! Farmoor has delivered some amazing birds over the years, often providing great views - Red-Necked Phalarope, summer plumaged Black-Throated Diver and Bonaparte's Gull are some that immediately spring to my mind. So, the trip over was well worth a go!

It didn't disappoint and the LS showed brilliantly well on F2, close in, in the company of a handful of Tufties.

Pleasingly, the Scaup double was on offer and walking to the W side of F2, I was able to enjoy a smart female Scaup too! A couple of Rock Pipit knocking about, made for a well worthwhile visit!

Locally, the odd Stonechat began cropping up by early March, always a good indicator that spring was approaching. This particular male showed really nicely alone the W side of Grimsbury Res.

Chiffchaffs were also beginning to crop up here and there, followed by an early wave of classic early spring migrants. For me, that included the first couple of Sand Martin at Grimsbury Res on 16/03 and a Wheatear at Hinton Airfield on 18/03.

A pleasant surprise was a Yellow Wagtail at Grimsbury Res on 28/03 (found the day before) - my first ever March Yellow Wag! It was then joined by the first local Dunlin of the year too, the following day.

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